I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Ours was pretty nice, filled with food, desserts and football.
Last year Cali couldn't completely grasp the whole turkey thing, so according to her we had a rather large chicken.
"Cali what did you eat for Thanksgiving last year?"
"A great big chicken!"
This year she almost managed to wrap her head around the concept. As we girls were preparing the turkey she said, "Mom, that's a really big chicken-turkey." I just smiled and agreed.
We went out to dinner recently to a fun 50's style diner called Chee-burger, Chee-burger. No I did not misspell it. They serve the best burgers and onion rings around this part of VA. Gabriel, who is constantly reminding us that (at almost 10 years of age) he is almost a teen-ager, ordered the 1/2 burger. They have a wall of fame boasts of children under 12 that eat this monster burger. Todd is the first to admit and very proud to say, to anyone who will listen, Gabriel's picture is now a part of. Gabriel also ate an order of french fries, root beer and a chocolate shake. I think it's time to re-evaluate my food budget.
We had our first sticking snow last night. It's so beautiful. The kids went out in pajamas and bare feet to play in it. Five minutes later they were back inside, staring out the window.
Love to all!